Switch to iPad #70: Read it later

Well, you don’t have to read it later, you can read Switch to iPad #70 now, if you like. It does cover read it later services, though.

I’ve been a user of various read it later services for a long time. They’re great, I love being able to save interesting things for later. Granted, most of the things that gets saved away will sit there for a long time, there are so many feature stories, articles, blog posts and whatnot out there, I can’t keep up. That’s okay, I don’t feel stressed out by having an ever-growing reading queue.

Back in the day, the main feature for the read it later services for me was cleaning away all the rubbish that are on websites. Ads, cross-promotions, related stories, more ads, all of that just takes away from the actual story. More often than not, the story gets a thin column, and all the other rubbish gets more space. It’s not a great reading experience.

📧 Switch to iPad #70 is out now, for paying subscribers. Subscriptions are $5/month or $50/year. There’s a free trial if you’d like to sample the goods before committing.

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Issue #70: Read it later

🆓 This member post is free for all, thanks to our paying subscribers. Enjoy!


I’ve been a user of various read it later services for a long time. They’re great, I love being able to save interesting things for later. Granted, most of the things that gets saved away will sit there for a long time, there are so many feature stories, articles, blog posts and whatnot out there, I can’t keep up. That’s okay, I don’t feel stressed out by having an ever-growing reading queue.

Back in the day, the main feature for the read it later services for me was cleaning away all the rubbish that are on websites. Ads, cross-promotions, related stories, more ads, all of that just takes away from the actual story. More often than not, the story gets a thin column, and all the other rubbish gets more space. It’s not a great reading experience.

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Notability switches to subscription model

Update: Notability to let current users get everything, after all.

Popular note-taking app Notability is switching to a subscription model with their 11.0 release, which is out now. That means that the app is free to download, but usage is severely hindered, with limited editing capabilities and lack of iCloud sync across platforms. A subscription costs $15/year, but you can get it for $12 at the moment. That includes several things that was in-app purchases previously.

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Switch to iPad #69: Let’s talk Safari extensions

The 69th issue of Switch to iPad is all about extensions for Safari. These arrived with iPadOS 15, and there’s a pretty healthy offering available now. This issue goes into how you find extensions, activate them, as well as points you to some extensions that I like.

Switch to iPad #69 is for paying subscribers only. Do consider signing up for a subscription, it’s just $5/month or $50/year, and it helps a lot.

👉🏻 Read the issue here.

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Issue #69: Safari extensions on the iPad

🆓 This member post is free for all, thanks to our paying subscribers. Enjoy!


How are things? Have you installed iPadOS 15.1 yet, thus making Safari more usable, and more like it used to be, again? I’m happy with the tweaks, as mentioned in the news update on the Switch to iPad site.

Another thing I like with Safari on iPadOS 15 (and 15.1, obviously) is the extension support. There are plenty of extensions out there already, with more coming each day. This truly brings Safari on the iPad closer to a proper desktop experience.

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iPadOS 15.1 brings back old Safari (almost)

It’s time to update your iPad because iPadOS 15.1 was just released. It brings SharePlay, announced as a feature for iPadOS but pushed forward before the actual release. With SharePlay you can watch things together over FaceTime, and share your screen too, which surely is useful, but perhaps less so now that the pandemic and work from home situation seems to get more under control. We’ll surely see some interesting collaborative apps and games — there are a few already — utilizing SharePlay, but it could also end up being a gimmick, rather than a truly useful API and feature.

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Issue 68 features three games to kill the time

It’s Game Day in Switch to iPad #68, with three games to kill the time. This from the first game, Clap Hanz Golf:

I’ve spent a lot of time with Clap Hanz Golf the last few weeks. I played it a bit when it launched on Apple Arcade (yep, you’ll need a subscription to play this one), but then fell out of it. It’s gotten several updates since then, and whatever the reason was to stop playing this game, it’s seemingly gone.

If you recognize the style of Clap Hanz Golf, you might’ve played another golf series called Everybody’s Golf or Hot Shots Golf, depending on your region. Clap Hanz is the developer of said series, which was (is?) published by Sony for various PlayStation platforms. They’re great games, especially the two that was released for PlayStation Portable.

🆓 Read Switch to iPad #68 here, for free.

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Issue #68: Game Day: Three games to kill the time

🆓 This member post is free for all, thanks to our paying subscribers. Enjoy!


Did you enjoy Monday’s Mac event? It’s nice to see Apple going full throttle on Apple Silicon, it’ll end up in iPads, after all. New AirPods too, I’m looking to replace the ones I use for working out.

Anyway, this week’s newsletter isn’t about Macs, obviously. It’s time for another Game Day installment, so get ready to try some gems to kill the time.

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