The 9th generation iPad is the latest entry-level iPad, and it’s not such a bad pick if you have limited needs. The size is decent, with its 10.2” screen, and thanks to the bump to the A13, it feels snappy enough for most things. It’s a great tablet, especially if you compare it to non-Apple alternatives out there.
Continue reading →Switch to iPad #67: This is how I write it all
It’s Wednesday, and that means that it’s time for another issue of the Switch to iPad newsletter. This time, it’s all about how I write both it, and this very site.
From the introduction:
I’m sitting here, typing out today’s issue of Switch to iPad. That’s not how I usually do it, typically what you get in your inbox (or read in the archives, if that’s your fancy) is written the Sunday or Monday before. The past couple of weeks have been a mess, though, thanks to both work and contractors at home, so I’ve fallen out of my groove, so to speak.
What better time to tell you all about how I write Switch to iPad, then?
Switch to iPad #67 is available in the archives for all paying subscribers. Do consider subscribing, if you have already.
Issue #67: This is how I write Switch to iPad
🆓 This member post is free for all, thanks to our paying subscribers. Enjoy!
How are you doing? I’m sitting here, typing out today’s issue of Switch to iPad. That’s not how I usually do it, typically what you get in your inbox (or read in the archives, if that’s your fancy) is written the Sunday or Monday before. The past couple of weeks have been a mess, though, thanks to both work and contractors at home, so I’ve fallen out of my groove, so to speak.
What better time to tell you all about how I write Switch to iPad, then?
Continue reading →It’s all about Notes in Switch to iPad #66
Apple keeps updating the default Notes app, and it’s really getting there. I’ve gushed about the new Quick Note feature already, but that’s not all you can do with Notes.
Switch to iPad #66 is another How do I… installment, all about Notes. This time, it’s paying subscribers only, so if you’re not one of those, do consider signing up. There’s a free trial and everything.
✍🏻 Read Switch to iPad #66 here.
Issue #66: How do I… (part 7)
🆓 This member post is free for all, thanks to our paying subscribers. Enjoy!
It’s been a while since the last How do I letter, so I figured it was time to do one. This time, it’s all about Notes, the default note-taking app that ships with iPadOS. Notes got a lot of handy updates in iPadOS 15, so do consider giving it another go if you haven’t used it in a while.
Continue reading →Story Planner wants to get your stories in order
I’ve been using an app called Story Planner for the past couple of months. It’s an app for writers to help organize your story, from the overarching aspects such as the synopsis, to the actual structure, with scenes, locations, characters, and the like. If you’ve ever used something like Scrivener for writing fiction or scripts, you’ll feel right at home.
Continue reading →How to get Instagram on your iPad
Instagram famously has no iPad app, they’re iPhone only. Recently, they even said that they “would love to do an iPad app”, but it wasn’t in the future. That’s, obviously, utter bullshit because said iPad app has surfaced unintentionally several times.
But don’t worry, you can get Instagram on your iPad, without relying on third-party apps. Here’s how.
Continue reading →Switch to iPad #65 introduces the portable iPad mini typewriter kit
You didn’t think I was done with the iPad mini yet, despite the 1,500 word long review that went up yesterday? There’s more to come, in the Switch to iPad newsletter.
Continue reading →Issue #65: The portable iPad mini typewriter kit
🆓 This member post is free for all, thanks to our paying subscribers. Enjoy!
How are things? I’m doing something I haven’t done in a long time due to the pandemic: I’m writing in a coffee shop, and I’m attracting glances. While I’d love that it was due to my handsome looks, it’s my setup that seems to pique quite a bit of interest.
You see, I’m here with my sixth generation iPad mini, primarily a consumption device per yesterday’s review on the Switch to iPad site. Yet here I am, writing on the smallest iPad out there. Well, not exactly on it, as you’ll soon see.
That’s due to my very much portable iPad mini kit. Yep, this is going to be one of those Everyday Carry things. Prepare your wallet, here we go!
Continue reading →iPad mini, 6th generation — a review
Look, I’ve been wanting a new iPad mini since before the Switch to iPad project started. I even wrote a full-blown newsletter issue on the topic, basically outlining what was launched last Friday. So yeah, I’m happy with the new iPad mini, very much so. It’s seen quite a lot of use the past few days, and I’ve also put it through its paces taking notes on a full-day course I attended on Monday.
So, where does that leave us? Let’s find out.
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