It’s all about mind maps in #81

Mind mapping is something a lot of people swear by. I used to, too, but lately, things have gotten a bit more chaotic.

Today, I started thinking about mind maps. I used to do a lot of mind maps and flow charts, but not so much anymore. My thinking has moved from the structured setup of a typical mind map, to the more chaotic process of a free-form pen. Or, Pencil, as it were.

But, why is that? That felt like an interesting line of questioning to dive into, so I installed SimpleMind, the app I used to use. Now to find out if mind mapping is something I’ve missed, or if I’ve replaced it with my scribbling.

📧 Switch to iPad #81 is all about mind maps, the two ways to do it, and if you – and I – should. This issue requires a paid subscription, which costs $5/month or $50/year, at the time of writing.