These are our favorite apps of 2021 (#79)

The 79th issue of the Switch to iPad newsletter outlines our eleven favorite apps of 2021.

It’s 2022, and you just know you’ll mistype that as 2021 for a couple of months. This issue is still in 2021, though because I wanted to share my favorite apps of last year. That’s not to say that all of these apps were actually launched last year, rather the ones I’ve used, and enjoyed, the most. There are no games on this list, and I’ve also decided to cut out streaming services like Netflix and Apple Music, for example, as well as default apps. I’ve also limited this list to eleven apps because why not?

📧 Switch to iPad issue 79 is a paid issue. Do consider signing up for the complete list, with our reasoning for each app. (And if you don’t, we’ll be tweeting the list on the @switchtoipad account later this week.)