Welcome to Switch to iPad

Hello! I’m so very happy to see you here, at the brand new site for Switch to iPad! It’s very likely that you come this way by means of the Substack newsletter that I’ve been sending out for a little over a year now. As I’m typing this, it clocks in at 57 issues, many of them free, and all of them accessible in the Substack archives.

On the off chance that you’re stumbling onto this very new, very much work-in-progress site by other means, know that this is going to be about iPads. Read more about what we’re up to on the about page, or just join us for the ride by means of one of the subscription options.

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Issue #57: iPads and heatwaves

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I hope you’re doing well. Where I am (currently: Stockholm, Sweden), it’s warmer than usual. Today (a couple of days before you’ll read this) looks to land at 30º C (86º F), which is a temperature I, personally, find horrible. It’d be a different matter if Sweden was a country where we expected heatwaves such as this, thus having air condition and the like, but outside of hotels, we don’t, and thus we suffer.

Summer, or rather, summer temperatures, points to a flaw in iPads. It’s not necessarily the sunshine that’s the problem, very few screens apart from e-ink work well in direct sunlight, but what the heat does to you, and your devices.

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Issue #56: How do I… (part 6)

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I’ll cut right to the chase: There’s something brewing in Switch to iPad land, and I can’t wait to let you in on this new “feature”. There’s still a wee bit to go, so this week’s another How do I instalment.

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Issue #55: RSS is alive and well thanks to apps

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Are you one of those guys who go on and on about how much you miss Google Reader? Then I don’t get you, for so many reasons (it was ugly, clunky, has been recreated in better ways since then, and Google knew precisely what you were interested in), but I can respect missing what it represented. In fact, that’s probably the thing, isn’t it? We used to get our news fix, and I use ”news” in the lightest sense here, from a central place, thanks to the fact that every site worthwhile offered an RSS feed. No stupid algorithms and social network agendas, just what we wanted, sorted by read or unread, chronologically. Good times.

The thing is, it never went away. Google shutting down Google Reader has made RSS better than ever, thanks to apps. While Reader went away, RSS has been trudging along. A vast majority of all sites that use a publishing platform offer RSS feeds, even if they might not communicate it as much as they did before. It’s Twitter this and Facebook that these days, but since about 40% of the web is running on WordPress, and RSS is built-in, you can probably find a feed.

Good riddance to Google Reader. These are my favorite RSS apps.

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Issue #54: Home office savers

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Hey there!

I’m writing this under the constant barrage from a fan, and yes, it feels like a barrage because of the horrible (warm) weather we’re having. It’s quite a leap, going from air-conditioned offices, to a home office, isn’t it? This week, I figured I’d look around me and see what makes it more bearable to work from home on an iPad.

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Issue #52: The new Quick Note feature is killer

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WWDC is over, and now begins the oh so long wait for Apple to actually release their new operating systems and services. Waiting for iPadOS 15 in particular feels rough, given the many quality of life improvements that went into this one. Some were disappointed by the lack of pro apps, or rather, specific pro apps because the platform definitely has plenty of professional tools already. Others hoped for proper external monitor support, but alas, not this time either.

You might remember my top 5 highlights from a previous issue, including the Quick Note feature. I hadn’t actually played with the developer beta that launched on WWDC back then, but I have now, and I have thoughts.

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Issue #51: The iPad Everyday Carry

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I’m happy to report that I’ve gotten my first vaccination shot, which got me thinking about the times when you could actually take your iPad, find a café, and get some work done outside your home. Maybe it’s not so far off anymore?

Working at cafés was never a big thing for me, to be honest. It’s often crowded, noisy, and the ergonomics (which I care a lot about, as you probably know) always suck. That said, it can be nice with a change of pace at times. Popping out to work from a coffee shop for a few hours doesn’t require a lot of gear — battery life isn’t an issue, and you’re unlikely to need anything other than headphones as well as potential typing and pointing devices — but there are some things I always bring.

Then there’s the more extended trips that take you to a different city, or in any other way moves you far from your normal work environment. That’s a more extended kit for me, obviously.

So today we’re going to look at what I stuff in my iPad bag for short as well as long excursions, my Everyday Carry — or EDC — if you will.

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Issue #50: Top 5 WWDC highlights

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This is the 50th issue of Switch to iPad! 🎉 It’s only fitting that this issue is about the future of the iPad platform, straight from Apple’s developer conference WWDC.

I’ve been thinking a lot about what Apple presented — you can watch the full keynote here — and the news that followed. This won’t be one of those complete rundowns of every little feature. I feel that’s better served by others at this time.

So, here it is, my top five iPad-related announcements from WWDC, and why I think they matter so much.

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Issue #49: How do I… (part 5)

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I hope all is well. In this, the 49th issue of Switch to iPad, I’m answering a couple of questions that have accumulated over the past weeks. As always, if you find that there’s something not working for you and your iPad workflow, feel free to reach out on Twitter, or by hitting reply if you read this in your inbox.

So, without further ado: How do I…?

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