A few weeks with Readdle’s Calendars app 🗓 (#102)

I’ve been spending a few weeks with Readdle’s Calendars app. That’s what Switch to iPad #102 is all about.

Everything that really needs to get done at a certain time ends up in the calendar. Time-blocking isn’t for everyone, or even everything, but to me, it’s the only thing that works when things go sideways. It’s crucial when I’ve got too much on my plate, or when life hits you with something sad.

The consensus among Apple enthusiasts is that Fantastical is the best calendar app out there. It’s great, I like it for plenty of reasons, but I also found that it performed worse than the default app with my numerous Google accounts. You might remember that I switched to the default Calendar app a while back, with the promise that I’d try some other calendar apps as well. That’s what I did, and that’s why I’m writing about Readdle’s Calendars app.

📧 Switch to iPad #102 requires a paid subscription. It’s $5/month or $50/year, and there are over 100 issues for you in the archives. Perfect summer reading, I’d say!