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Issue #8: Spark is your new email app

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It’s me again, Thord D. Hedengren typing away at his iPad about switching to iPad. Today I’ve got a letter about email for you, something everyone has to use, but not all enjoy. Well, I’m going to change that, or rather, a specific app will do it for you. Let’s dive straight in, shall we?

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Issue #7: How do I… (part 1)

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I hope this letter finds you well. I’ve had a few letters of my own, from you guys, and I figure I’d devote this issue to some of your questions. So this is the first of – potentially! – several How do I themed letters.

My name is Thord D. Hedengren, and I’ve banged my head against the wall quite a few times over the years as an iPad user. It used to be a pretty stumped platform, but not necessarily so anymore.

Let’s see what I’ve got in my inbox, and take it from there, shall we? Oh, and if you have a question, just hit reply or tweet to @tdh and I’ll do my best to answer – directly or in a future issue.

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Issue #6: My backup solution

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One thing that bothers at least some potential iPad switchers is how to backup your files. You’re pretty much accostumed to connecting hard drives to your Mac or PC, but perhaps not so to an iPad. I’m going to walk you guys through my backup solution, which might be a bit, well, obsessive, but hopefully it’ll give you an idea of how you can sort things out yourself.

My name is Thord D. Hedengren, and I’m obsessive with backups, having once lost an entire manuscript (of a sci-fi role-playing game, if you’re curious) to a computer crash. That got me so low that I closed down the publishing venture I’d spent years building. Yeah, you don’t want that, so pay attention, okay?

Let’s get to it!

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Issue #5: Gladys is my file drawer

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I hope this letter finds you well. I’m wrapping it up the same day as you’re going to get it, which is unusual – I like to have an issue or two ready in advance, but life got in the way, as it sometimes do. So here we are, and that’s fine, because the sun is shining and my primary computing device is very much portable.

My name is Thord D. Hedengren, and I’d like to tell you a little bit about Gladys, a file drawer app that’s making my iPad life so much easier.

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Issue #4: Accessorize accordingly

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This is the fourth issue of Switch to iPad, your friendly pal in the journey to going iPad only, or at least iPad primarily. In this issue, we’re going to tackle the accessories you need to be a successful iPad switcher. This isn’t a one size fits all though, because you might have specific needs for your work, in which case I urge you to drop me a line and tell me about your problems and/or solutions. Just hit reply and you’ll be in my inbox in no time!

I’m Thord D. Hedengren, and I’m not only running the Switch to iPad project on an iPad, I also do a ton of other thing with it as my primary computing device. Paying subscribers know a lot more about that, because the previous issue was paid only, and it covered my setup. How’s that for a shameless plug?

Alright, enough of that. Let’s get accessorizing!

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Issue #3: My iPad setup

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After the first two issues, getting us off the ground in regards to why and how you should initiate the switch to iPad as your main computing device, and a bit more in-depth regarding which iPad model you should switch to, I figured it’s time to take a look at what I’m using. Perhaps more importantly, I’ll outline what sort of issues I have with my setup, where I still need a traditional computer, and so forth. Hopefully this’ll spark som ideas beneficial to your own process, started or not.

My name is Thord D. Hedengren, and I’m a writer, designer, developer, strategist, and tons more. I use my iPad Pro as my main computing device doing all those things, and also to run the Divide & Conquer agency. This is how I do it, and this is how it looks on my tiny desk in my summer (and pandemic-proof) home.

Enough setup porn, let’s get to it!

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Issue #2: Picking the right iPad

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Hey there!

We’re two issues into this thing and I’m thrilled by the response thus far. To all of you signing straight up for a monthly or yearly subscription: Thank you for believing in me, and this venture! It’s truly amazing to see how helpful you’ve all been. Please continue to share Switch to iPad, and do send it to a friend if you think they’d be interested in the topics I cover.

For this issue, we’ll tackle the ever-present question of which iPad to get. I don’t know how many times each year I get asked that, but the answer just isn’t that simple, there’s no one size fits all here.

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Issue #1: Are you ready to make the Switch to iPad?

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I’m so glad that you’re here, receiving this inaugural issue of Switch to iPad! Together we’ll journey towards a more comfortable and invigorated computing life.

The first couple of issues will tackle the fundamentals of switching to iPad, as in terms of hardware and accessories, but also the whys and hows. We’ll run through them quickly – the next issue will be out before you know it – so that we’ll have a solid ground to stand on. You could say that we’re doing the broad strokes first, before going all nitty-gritty with the details. That said, there should be something for everyone here, even if you’re a dedicated iPad user already.

Who am I? My name is Thord D. Hedengren, and I write a lot. Fiction, columns, techy stuff, the occasional blog post – you name it. I also design and develop digital things (mostly websites) at Divide & Conquer, the digital agency I co-founded. There’s more about me on my website,, if you’re curious.

But enough rambling already, let’s get to it!

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