One month in, thank you for your support!

The Switch to iPad website is a month old today. I published the welcome post on August 3rd, and have been updating the site a couple of times each week. I think the site has found a way to complement the (mostly paid) newsletter, and that the setup makes sense, for now.

During its first month, I’ve managed to conduct the Dumbphone Experiment, which had me put away my iPhone and relying on a dumbphone instead, as well as my iPad, obviously. It’s been an interesting experiment, and I’ve had rewarding discussions about it on Twitter primarily.

🐦 Do consider following @switchtoipad for regular updates.

If the Dumbphone Experiment was in-depth (for the site), the other post series I’ve been writing here is the opposite. In iPadOS 15 Beta Watch, I publish short highlights from the iPadOS 15 beta. I’m running it on two devices, and it’s pretty stable, actually. Still, you might not want to run a beta on your primary device, apps, and services might act up. Proceed with caution, as always.

Apart from that, you liked How to use Visual Studio Code on your iPad, but that was mostly it for the first month. You guys had a total of 18 posts (19 with this one) to choose from, and a lot of you did. In fact, there was almost 9,000 unique visitors during this first month, a number I’m delighted with. I bet there’s an overlap with the newsletter subscribers, but paid subscriptions are up too, so that’s good. Thank you!

All in all, I’m happy with this first month with the website alongside the newsletter, and I’m looking forward to keep doing this.

What do you think? Tweet to @switchtoipad and speak your mind, I’d love to hear it. The same goes for content suggestions, and yes, app developers, feel free to pitch me stories.

Thanks for reading! 🙏