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Writing on glass – a reading tip from Switch to iPad

Writing on glass – a reading tip from Switch to iPad

Hi all!

It’s been a minute, hasn’t it? I hope you’ve been well. Me, I’m still using the iPad a lot. I’m writing this on one (the latest 11” iPad Pro, if you’re curious), using the beta version of iPadOS 17 and a 27” screen with Stage Manager. No, it’s not quite there yet, but Stage Manager is improving, and I’m going to do final edits on a manuscript later today or tomorrow using this very setup, so it’s getting dangerously close to good enough.

Anyway, I wanted to email you about a piece I wrote and sent to the Bored Horse newsletter subscribers. It’s called Writing on glass, and it’s obviously about using the iPad as a note-taking device. I think you’ll like it.

→ Read Writing on glass on the Bored Horse

Oh, and if you’re interested, do consider subscribing to the Bored Horse too. It’s not iPad-centric, or even just about tech, but you might enjoy it nonetheless. It’s free, too.

That’s it for now. I’ve got some things cooking so you might hear from me sooner than you’d think. If you’d rather not, just use the unsubscribe link below.

Okay. Take care!

— Thord D. Hedengren ⚡

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