Tag: Ulysses

Ulysses update fixes WordPress publishing issues

WordPress, the world’s largest content management system by far, has a pretty rocky history when it comes to third-party apps publishing to sites. This is because of XML-RPC, the communication method used, and how it is prone to attacks. Luckily, development moves forward, and WordPress has had a REST API for quite some time now.

Apps, however, haven’t always caught up. Ulysses, the popular writing app, was one of those. I wrote a whole issue about how you could publish your blog posts using Ulysses, and for many, that was the case. For me, and for Switch to iPad, it soon stopped working because of XML-RPC and how attackers tried to brute-force the site.

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Ulysses 23 focus on blogging

Ulysses 23 (release post), available on the App Store now, is a release of the popular markdown writing app with blogging focus. There’s been a publishing feature in Ulysses for quite some time, supporting WordPress (both self-hosted and WordPress.com), as well as Ghost, Medium, and Micro.blog. New in this release is that you can update your Ghost posts, not just publish them, a feature that’s been available for WordPress for some time, and is coming soon to Micro.blog as well. Another new feature is the addition of a publishing widget in your sidebar, as well as a small paper plane icon under sheets that’s been published already. A nice touch, I’d say. There’s also improvements to the writing session history, which wasn’t working particularly well before.

Ulysses 23 is available as a free update now, but you’ll need a subscription to use the app (after the trial, if you’re a new customer). The subscription is $6/month or $50/year.